You send a message - which can be a photo, some text, or both - to We take care of the rest. In other words, we auto-provision a new blog and publish the post. It's that simple.
Here's how to start a mobile blog:
1. Send an MMS to to create your mobile blog. The text and/or photo in your MMS will be uploaded to that blog right away. We'll message you back with the address, (so you can visit your new blog on the web) and a token (so you can claim your blog and access it from your account).
2. OPTIONAL - If you feel like changing anything on your new mobile blog or if you already have a Blogger account and want the posts to go to your existing blog, you can log in to and enter the token we sent to your phone. You'll then have the option to claim your new mobile blog and merge it with your existing blog. Note to users whose blog address does not contain Once you make the aforementioned switch, new mobile posts will be published to your chosen blog but mobile posts published prior to the switch will not be moved over automatically.
What types of messages can I send to Blogger Mobile from my phone?
MMS or Email - note this doesn't include email sent from a mobile device that actually passes through a webmail gateway (such as mail sent from your account from your phone).
What size photos can I send?
Photos are currently limited to 250K each. If they exceed that size, you’ll receive a bounce message letting you know so you can try again with a smaller picture. Note that your phone (or carrier) might have size limits of its own.
Is there a cost for using Blogger Mobile?
Mobile providers' standard rates for sending and receiving text and photo messages apply. Blogger won’t charge you for any of its services.
Text messaging-enabled mobile device with a text messaging plan. This service is free from Google but charges from your carrier for usage may apply.
For more information send the keyword HELP to BLOGGR (256447), you can also text STOP to BLOGGR to cancel text messages.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
How does Blogger Mobile work?
Posted by
9:14 PM
Labels: Blogging
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Set your sites higher: 5 tips to update your website for success
When it comes to the internet, your website is your front door, your waiting room, your store and your office. The impression you make with a clean, professional-looking and functional website will carry over to your business dealings with customers and clients. A little common sense and care can go a long way. Try to view your site from a user's perspective, and don't be afraid to get feedback on improving the web experience. Here are some tips to help you spruce up your site design.
1) Mind the basics.
A visitor should be able to tell what your business does right from your main web page. Most web suffers don't have much patience, so you have only a few seconds to make a good impression. Keep your site updated regularly with new content, products or information, and your customers will have a reason to stick around as well as come back later. Proofread your entire website to catch spelling and grammatical errors before your customers do. Make sure your contact information is easily accessible.
2) Keep your site structure well-organized.
Be sure your website navigation is clear, simple and consistent from page to page. Overall, page sizes should be reasonably compact and blocks of text streamlined to a manageable size. Try to place the most important information toward the top of the page so that you minimize the amount of scrolling your customer needs to do to view important content or product information. In particular, watch your graphics placement, and avoid horizontal scrolling--it's an annoyance that does not generally sit well with suffers. A site map or search function can also be a handy tool to help visitors Locate the exact content they're Looking for, especially for large, elaborate websites. Good site structure translates into ease of use and satisfied customers who will want to return to your website.
3) Flashy websites with tots of spinning video, animated splash pages and automatic music may be appropriate for some businesses, but not most.
Elaborate web design can stow down the user experience and be a turnoff for potential customers. Keep the took of your website clean, and always consider the impression you're making on a first-time visitor. Do you really want them waiting around for a page to Load or frantically reaching to turn down their speakers? On a more basic level, be aware of the size of your graphics files. Keep them slimmed down so they will load fast.
4) Pay attention to the impact of different colors.
If you wouldn't print a business card with hot pink text on a black background, you shouldn't have a website that looks like that, either. Be sure to check that all text is easily readable and that your overall use of color is easy on the eyes. Businesses that already have a color scheme associated with their branding can carry that over to their websites for a consistent experience both online and off.
5) Go to a professional when you need to.
Most busy entrepreneurs don't have the time or expertise to build and maintain an elaborate website. For simpler sites, web design templates like those Network Solutions offers to its customers can be a quick and painless way to get up and running on the web. If your needs are more complex, it may be a good time to check in with a designer who can specifically tailor a site to fit your business and your budget. Network Solutions, for example, has professional web designers on staff to build your business site to meet your specific needs. A service like that is not only affordable, but can also get your site up quickly while providing the added benefit of monthly maintenance. Busy entrepreneurs will appreciate the one-stop shopping that Network Solutions offers for hosting, design and e-mail
For more information on growing your business online, go to
Posted by
7:56 AM
Labels: Web
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Why You Must Absolutely Have A Website?
by: Mark Gerrard
In today’s culture, a website represents your business card – even if you don’t have a business! Your child may have a website, your neighbour may have a website and even your local place of worship has a website.
A website allows you to communicate – keep in touch with as many people as possible while at the same time minimising the cost of doing so. Can you imagine the cost of consistently printing and mailing to 2000 loyal customers every month?
A website cuts down on your total cost of postage and your everyday word processing software cuts down on physically writing out every greeting or piece of correspondence.
However, a website does the one thing that you’re always looking for: a website helps to free your time.
Your time is the most precious commodity that you’ll never be able to get back. You’ll never be able to play that magnificent round of golf, go vacationing with the family or watching your child perform in their school play if you’re constantly trying to free yourself of responsibilities.
A website is a lot of work to start. That’s the truth. The best way to look at your website is to view it as your own body. When you put the right fuel (food) in your system your body runs efficiently. You aren’t constipated, you have lots of energy and you feel great. Combine this with a little exercise and you’ll live a fairly long life. When you start feeding yourself bad food, you start to feel tired and irritable. You may gain weight and start outgrowing your favourite clothing.
That’s the same thing that could happen to your website if it gets neglected. Just like your body, a website starts to deteriorate. The pride that you showed at having a website disappears and your website suffers.
If you still have doubts about having a website, think of it as your on-line sales centre. Imagine having a system that can take your orders when you are asleep. Or a system that will allow you to take a holiday and monitor your sales if you like without asking a sales manager? Maybe you don’t want to hire and train a new employee to take your orders and to know your sales process. A website helps you be better at what you do, not what you shouldn’t.
Posted by
6:44 AM
Labels: Web
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Advertlets : How to roll?
Need to make more money with your blog? Tired of international blog advertising programs that display advertisements irrelevant to your blog readers? Tired of making little money from international online advertising programs, because there aren’t enough advertisers for your region?
Advertlets provides targeted advertising through the means of real time demographics profiling for your blog - meaning, you get local advertisers, matched with the target audience for your blog. We wouldn’t show ads on your blog for make-up and high heels if we found you had 80% male visitors, for instance.
They offer you interesting formats to display advertisements - sidebar ads, and also sponsored polls. You can even make money getting paid to review local products and services.
You don’t just get paid: they also provide their innovative polling system for your use - find out what who your readers are, by putting up the demographics polls for users to submit their details. This way, you get a unique service to learn more about your blog readers even before you make your first dollar with us.
They are in a good position to do this - the developers of Advertlets, Josh Lim & Associates have been in digital marketing for many years, and have provided web design services for many prominent local clients. Hence, this existing relationship with current Josh Lim & Associates clients gives us greater confidence and credibility to procure lots of advertising for bloggers within the Advertlets Network.
Lastly, they allow bloggers to vote on new site features and advertising formats, which allows them to upgrade the Advertlets Network over time, to suit your needs even more.
Posted by
9:39 AM
Labels: Advertlets
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Advertlets : What is the benefits?
Signing up with Advertlets has its benefits, for both advertisers and bloggers. Find out why we’re better that the rest. Check out this chart that
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1:44 AM
Labels: Advertlets
Monday, August 6, 2007
August issue : Want to know about is an Asian blog/weblog advertising network that offers the remarkably sensible proposition of targeted, unintrusive advertising that benefits the online advertising and blogger community, as well as their readers.
Bloggers get better advertising that is relevant to their readers, and advertisers make their advertising dollars and their message count.
Through a system that allows the collection of real-time demographics, and also allows bloggers to make their own custom polls, we are different from anything out there, at least until our competitors start copying us.
And for site visitors: Web 2.0 convenience ensures that visitors don’t have to leave the blog currently viewed to take any poll. Our blog widget allows for multiple polls questions within a limited space - no long load times or reloading needed.
And with functions to rotate the ads being shown (ever saw an ad you wanted to click, but it refreshed and disappeared before you could click it?) , as well as the ability to voice opinions on ads (tell the advertiser what you like - and what you don’t), users have control over their online blog advertising experience that wasn’t possible before.
Advertisers make their message count. Bloggers make more money doing what they love. It all makes sense at - Asia’s Better Blog Advertising Network.
Posted by
1:44 AM
Labels: Advertlets
Thursday, July 19, 2007
What is Google AdSense?
Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant, unobtrusive Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money. Because the ads are related to what your users are looking for on your site, you'll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages.
It's also a way for web site publishers to provide Google search to their site users, and to earn money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages. Find out more about AdSense for search.
The program is free, and combines pay-per-click and pay-per-impression advertising - meaning you get paid for valid clicks on the ads on your site or search results pages as well as impressions on your content pages. So go ahead and try this program. If you comply with our program policies, just complete our online application and select either or both of AdSense for content pages and AdSense for search. One application gets you approved for both AdSense and AdSense for search - you can decide to use any combination of these products on your pages.
We'll review your application and follow up with an email within 2-3 days. If you are accepted into the program, you can log in to your new account and get the HTML code to insert into your webpages.
Keep in mind that participation in AdSense requires you to have a website. If you don't have one, you can sign up for a free blog at or create and publish useful, attractive webpages using Google Page Creator, at
Posted by
10:32 PM
Labels: Adsense
A SiteSearch to behold
If you’re familiar with AdSense for search, then you’re probably aware of the SiteSearch feature, with which users can search through the pages of your site. When you generate AdSense for search code with SiteSearch enabled, the search box will currently default to selecting the websearch radio button. However, a number of publishers have asked if it’s possible to have their search boxes default to SiteSearch instead.
It’s a little-known fact, but we’re happy to tell you that it is possible to select this option within your account. First, visit the 'AdSense Setup' tab and select 'AdSense for search' as your product. On the code generation page, you’ll see a sample search box under 'Search box style' that changes as you customize the layout:

If you’d like your search box to default to SiteSearch, simply click the radio button for SiteSearch within the sample. Once you’ve finished customizing your search box, copy and paste the provided code onto your pages – and voila, you’ll see that SiteSearch is selected as the default for your search box.

Try it to your website!!
Posted by Arlene Lee - AdSense Publisher Support feature
Posted by
8:41 PM
Labels: Adsense
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
How to maximize your ad space?
wMaximize ad space with multiple ad units Tip for maximizing multiple ad units:
Multiple ad units can help optimize your performance by leveraging our large inventory of ads. You can place up to three ad units per page (in addition to three link units and three referral units). Remember that the best way to measure the effect of multiple ad units is to examine the impact on your overall earnings. Multiple ad units may prove particularly successful for:
Posted by
8:27 AM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Need More Income??
Buy an e-book and start to generate income automatically.....
Don't waste your time and take your move now!!!
Posted by
8:24 PM
Labels: Xtra Money
6 Tips to Earn More Money with Google Adsense
Are you one of those millions of people who are struggling just to earn a few dollars on Google AdSense? Do you want to know some simple yet effective tips on how you can maximize your AdSense earnings? Then read on. Below are 7 tips which will explode your AdSense earnings instantly.
1. Blending the Ads with Your Website
This is probably the most important tip when putting your google ads on your website. You must blend in your ads with your website. So if you have a white background for your website, use white background for your google ads. You need to steer away from using the standard formats, as they result in a low number of clicks. If you do that, you will find your click through rate jump instantly. This is due to the fact that you will make the visitors think that your ads are part of your content, and don't seem to look like ads, so they will most likely to click on the ads.
2. Use the full quota of your ads.
It's as simple as that. Use the full quota of your ads. Put as much ads on your website as you can, without breaking Google's terms.
3. Put your ads near the top of the page Put your ads near the top of the page.
Why? So that when people come to your site, they will be able to see the ads. Not all of them will be willing to scroll down to the bottom of the page. Also, put your ads on the left hand side, rather on the right hand side, because we read from left to right. Simple? Yes, it's that simple.
4. Use Text Links Ads, they generate a higher income.
I don't know why, but somehow, text links ads, especially the horizontal ones, generate a very high click through rate and revenue. I have experimented on many sites and text links ads usually perform very well.
5. Read Newspapers.
Newspaper? You may be wondering how newspapers relate to AdSense, but in fact, newspaper is the best place to learn ad positioning. Just by copying the ad positioning of newspaper, you will realise that your AdSense revenue will dramatically jump.
6. My Adsense Revenue almost tripled when I applied this technique
What is it? It is very simple. Put pictures on top or very close to your ads. By doing that, you will attract more attention and people will be more likely to click on your ads. However, please do be careful that you don't get random pictures off Google, as many pictures are protected by copyright laws. Please use only pictures that are royalty free. While many people may tell you that they knew these tips long time ago, you will realize that only 0.1% of the people apply these techniques to their website.
by Stanley Tang
Posted by
1:33 AM
Monday, July 16, 2007
Earn money from relevant ads on your website
Google AdSense matches ads to your site's content, and you earn money whenever your visitors click on them.
** What is is Google Adsense:
Google Adsense is a program designed by Google that can generate advertising revenue for your website. Relevant Text and Image ads. targeted to your website content are delivered by Google. Additionally if you place a Google Search Box in your website, relevant text ads. are displayed when a search request is made by a website visitor. Google will pay you for all valid clicks. made by your website visitors on the ads. or search results pages. Another new addition is the Google Adsense Referrals Feature , whereby you can generate additional income by displaying Google’s Referral Buttons on your web pages.
** How to get started with Google Adsense:
You have to apply to Google Adsense by completing an online application form at Once the application is approved, you will be able to participate. You then have to copy and paste a HTML code that is provided by Google Adsense into your web pages. The code creates relevant ads. to the content of the page. When a visitor clicks on it Google pays you.
** Who can participate in Google Adsense:
Anyone who has a website can join the Adsense program but not adult and hate sites. You have to comply with Google's program policies. It is Free to join. Google has a massive advertiser base and they have ads. on the ready for all categories of businesses. They also have ads. ready to match different types of content sites, from a pet store site to that of a highly sophisticated technological site.
Google Adsense can be used in many languages. It is also targeted geographically and hence Global business can take advantage of this and webmasters living in any part of the world can participate.
** Why Participate in Google Adsense:
The obvious answer is to make money from home. It does not cost you anything if you have a website, so why miss the opportunity to make money from home. Google pays you monthly if your earnings reach $100.The Google Adsense checks are a blessing to a large number of newbies with low budgets eager to make money from home. Some webmasters feel that Adsense ads. can lead their visitors away from their site. This possibility is there but if you have a website with good content they will always come back.
** When to Participate in Google Adsense:
The Adsense program is Web related and hence you must have a website to participate. Once your website is ready and the contents optimized, you can submit your application. The Adsense program is not restricted only to high page rank sites as some seem to think.
Google approves most of the sites but ensures that they are of acceptable standard. Normally they are approved within 2-3 days. Once approved you can immediately participate in the Adsense program by logging into your account.
** Where to place Google Adsense ads. in your Website.
The Adsense ads. can be placed anywhere in your web pages, but there are specific areas in your web pages that are recommended by Google which have been found to generate more clicks.
According to Google and our own experience: Ads placed above the fold tend to perform better than those below the fold.
Ads placed near rich content and navigational aids usually do well because users are focused on those areas of a page.
Ads placed at the top of the page and at the left generally perform better than others.
Ads at the bottom of long articles and those that are integrated or merge with the content too perform very well.
Of course there are other strategies, such as creating high paying keyword content pages to suit individual sites and also generating more traffic to your site. These have to be implemented too, to ensure success.
The Google Adsense Program has come to stay. It is a great way to earn an additional income for most webmasters and a big income for some who have made the Adsense Program as the main source of income. Which ever way you look at it the Adsense Program is a happy hunting ground for all and these Tips can help you get started.
Posted by
10:52 PM
Labels: Adsense